- Agrotechniques and pest control strategies for medicinal plants
- Conservation, Utilization and management of genetic resources of Medicinal Plants
- Safety and efficacy of phytomedicines and phytocosmetics
- Pharmacognosy and ethnopharmacology
- Isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds
- Development of drugs and commercialization of local knowledge
- Molecular techniques to augment medicinal plants utilization
- Recent trends in the application of Nanotechnology in pharmaceutical and natural products
- Biodiversity and Bio prospecting of Medicinal and Aromatic plants
- Ethnoveterinary practice and Livestock healthcare
- Advances in natural products chemistry
- Quality control and standardization of herbal products and formulations Challenges
- Technology developments in industrial processing of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
- International Trade and commerce of medicinal and aromatic plants
- New developments in laws and regulations for the use of MAPs in trade and industry perspective
- Emerging trends in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Chinese, Homeopathy sysytems of Medicine
- Phytochemistry, antioxidants and nutraceuticals
- Biopesticides and Biofertlizers for Production of Quality MAPs
- Impact of climate change on medicinal plants and Herbal Industry
- International legislation for Intellectual Property Rights and Patents
- Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
- The Oceans and Human Health: New Drugs from the Sea